It’s the new year and we are sure that some of you will have made, and perhaps already broken, a few new year resolutions. The new year isn’t the only time that you can make changes in your life of course, and any new start can be a positive thing. Setbacks along the way, perhaps slipping or quitting for a while can be discouraging but when this does happen, the important thing is to pick yourself up and try again.
Especially if you have suffered from poor oral health, perhaps through neglect when you were younger, keeping your teeth and gums in good health can be quite a challenge. There are a few straightforward things that you can do though to give yourself the best chance of avoiding the need for treatments.
For the benefit of our Witham dental patients then, here are five steps that you can take for a healthier mouth in 2025.
The first step is probably the hardest for anyone who has smoked for a long time. We do understand this but succeeding in quitting is a very significant thing that you can do for your oral health, to say nothing about your general health and your finances.
Smoking is probably the biggest factor in serious gum disease such as periodontitis. This not only affects the gums but can also damage the bone which holds your teeth in place. As this deteriorates, the teeth can become loose and even fall out. Stopping smoking greatly increases your chances of avoiding this, along with general gum maintenance.
Finally, smoking is the leading cause of oral and mouth cancers which can be life changing, and in some cases, even life ending. If you do smoke, there are plenty of places where you can seek help. Your first step is probably to talk to your GP about it for further advice.
A nice easy step now and one that applies whether you smoke or not. Cleaning our teeth twice a day is perhaps the most basic thing that we can do for healthy teeth and gums. The good news is that the vast majority of us already do this. The bad news is that most of us probably aren’t doing it as well as we should be. A few small changes can make all the difference though.
In addition to how you look after your teeth and gums at home, it is essential that you have a check up every six months. This enables us to monitor your oral health and to restore any teeth that have been damaged through decay etc, while at a very early stage, rather than allowing the problem to become more advanced, potentially leading to toothache.
You should also see the dental hygienist at six monthly intervals. This enables you to have your teeth and gums professionally cleaned using the ‘scale and polish’ procedure that removes hardened tartar from the tooth surface and gum line. This is a great and non-invasive way of helping maintain healthy gums.
If you don’t have appointments booked or are not sure if you have, call Blake Dental today to check and to arrange one if not.
We can all cut down sugar that we add to food or to cups of tea etc, but many sugars that we consume are hidden in foods, even savoury ones. We are not suggesting that you read every ingredient of everything that you buy, but do try to buy the ones that are lower in sugars … every little helps. This applies especially to stickier foods as the sugars in those are likely to stick to your teeth for longer and cause more damage.
If you frequent coffee shops, be careful too. Some of the ‘speciality’ coffees and hot chocolates contain extremely large amounts of sugar. If you must drink these, do so sparingly as a special treat. Doing so will help you cut down your sugar intake quite significantly.
Finally, do stay well hydrated. This applies as much in the colder months as it does during hot summers. Drinking plenty of water not only helps to flush away food particles and bacteria but also helps you to avoid a dry mouth which can contribute to gum disease.
Make sure that you predominantly drink water rather than fizzy drinks, or energy drinks. These are not only usually high in sugar but are often very acidic too and can damage the tooth enamel, making them more vulnerable.
We hope that you find these steps useful and we are sure that if you stick to them, you will notice an improvement in your oral health. If you live in the Witham area of Essex and would like any further dental advice or would like to make an appointment with us, please call Blake Dental today on 01376 501688. We look forward to your call!