See how the team at Blake Dental use versatile restorations such as crowns and veneers to repair damaged smiles.
See how the team at Blake Dental use versatile restorations such as crowns and veneers to repair damaged smiles.
New Year, new personal oral care resolutions from the Blake Dental team. Get your mouth health up to scratch!
If your child is worried about old-style braces using wires and brackets, why not check-out the Invisalign option at Blake Dental?
Struggling with gift ideas for Christmas? Check out Blake Dental’s tooth-friendly ideas for your friends and family!
Fancy a boost to your appearance in time for the Christmas party? Check out our fast and safe teeth whitening and facial aesthetics here at Blake Dental!
What do you know about dental implants? The implant team at Blake Dental discusses their evolution through the ages.
Are you looking for discreet, effective teeth-straightening for your child? Check out Invisalign for kids at Blake Dental!
Have you ever wondered what the main types of fillings are that can be used to repair decayed teeth? Our team takes a look.
How two main types of gum disease can present a threat to the health of your dental implants.
Worried about getting the dentistry you need? See how the sedation options here at Blake Dental can help you.